My Dad, my King

I want my children to always feel like their Mum can be their rock. That we can get through even in the not-so-happy moments. Remembering my Dad brings me a feeling of safety and pure joy. My Dad used to surprise us with spontaneous trips, especially in the snow. He was our king for those few hours, calmly leading us. Even with his busy job, he was always rational and level-headed. Mum was more emotional, but Dad always said, "There's a solution to everything with love." He was a beautiful man. Now that I have kids, I want them to have a mother figure who guides them gently, like a constant presence or element of guidance, always available to solve any problem. They can be free and fun without getting in trouble because of their guidance. Childhood is a fleeting moment that should be cherished.


Let's cherish the beauty of our unique stories